Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Screw It

After 6 years of aching pains in my mouth and this is what I get?
No, just kidding. That's just the implant I got a while ago. Actually, I can't even remember how many oral surgeries I've had because I lost count after the 8th. I think I had 11, but it could have been just 10? Why so many, you wonder? Well it started in 6th grade when I got braces. Then, in either 8th grade, one of my teeth wouldn't come down from the gums so I had my first surgery to attach a chain to my tooth to pull it down. After the third attempt in a year or two (meaning I had 2 more surgeries to pull the tooth down), we decided to change dentists because we felt like the one we had at the time had no idea what he was doing. So I switched dentists and orthodontists and added a bunch of new doctors to the family.
Of my understanding, this is basically what all of the procedures ended up doing when they found out that the tooth was rotten in the middle: pulling down the tooth, taking the tooth out, cutting out the gums in the area to create space, building bone in the space where the tooth was (during multiple procedures), a root canal on the tooth beside it, realizing the root canal didn't work because the other tooth was rotting from the inside, cutting that tooth off, taking the root out, inserting an implant with a screw, screwing the teeth onto the screw, cutting and elevating my gum line, and whitening my teeth. That's basically the outline of what was done in the last few years. Intense eh? I believe so. My teeth and gums are so incredibly tender and sensitive that eating anything hard, cold, or hot will definitely be a little painful. So that's pretty much every day. But now, my teeth are COMPLETELY FINISHED!!!! At the dentist today when I was leaving, the dentist took pictures of me and my new perfected smile, along with jumping into a few photos with me just for fun. I'm so ecstatic that I'm done with all of those appointments!!!

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