Sunday, October 24, 2010


Friday night- we beat Wisconsin 4-2
Saturday night- tied 2-2
But they never beat us!
Friday night was the first hockey game I'd ever been to in my life, and I sat front row with people from my hall. It was amazing! Soooo much fun!
Saturday I decided to go all out and painted my entire face and wore a jersey with leggings and DU colored boots. I felt like Peter Pan though.
I'm planning on going to all of the games from now on, or at least most of them, and painting my face for the majority of them as well!
Yaaaay DU hockey!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mad dog

I had a sociology assignment to do so I went to the park and saw this dog. I went up to pet him, but he wasn't very nice. He looks like an angel though!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Impassioned Eye; Henri Cartier-Brasson

The Impassioned Eye

Henri Cartier-Brasson

“You just have to live and life will give you pictures.”

“It’s everything. Life. Death. Pure bliss. Everything”

Henri believed that photography was just something that came natural. You did not have to know much to make art.

He chose to look at the extremes, which were sometimes very emotional.

The eye does the framing and the camera does the work.

Eye mind & heart have to be in line and balanced

Geometry and structure

Geometry is the foundation because everyone has feelings

Most of his pictures were taken without the subject knowing because they are never looking at the camera.

When you hit the target there is no need to crop the picture

He liked doing portraits.

“Basically you just have to make people forget about the camera.”

Portraits are the most difficult because you can’t get the same smile or look after it’s gone after that instant.

He loved Mexico because of the intensity of passion, there were whores on the streets at night making love on the street and during the day there were hammer sounds because of the carpenter making coffins.

“Take care of your eye.”

A photo is like the stab of a knife. Painting is meditation.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I promise to...

My best friend Caleb decided that he was going to quit smoking. This really makes me happy :) and so I promised to make sure that he does quit, because it means a lot to both of us.
I'm not sure what to post on this blog anymore... I don't really have time to take pictures daily and post and write about them. I know it's homework... but it's just not working out very well.